Hero's Journey

Escape into adventure and fight for survival

Prelude | A Rescuer Rises

Astra Nova's technical demo introduces us to Kaletak, a Fielduin medic on the planet of Saerinda.

He awakens in the midst of devastation. A catastrophic meteor shower rains fire down on a secluded valley—killing a nearby entourage of fellow soldiers.

Kaletak swallows his fear. This may be the end for Saerinda but he vows to venture forth and rescue anyone who may yet survive.

Along the way, he encounters vile monstrosities, an enemy turned ally & a mysterious ancient temple holding the secret to his survival.

In the wreckage of these ruins, ar arcane artifact brims with unspeakable power.

If Kaletak can unlock the secrets of this sword and the temple Gate, he just might escape the destruction of Saerinda and find refuge in Astra Nova. But it won't be easy.

Beginnings | Into the Wildlands

At the start of Season 1, you assume the role of Envoy and arrive in the Wildlands.

You'll make a new home in the deep forest settlement of Fulcrum, inhabited by the six species from Saerinda and Abja: Elari (elves), Fielduin (humans), Ossodrim (skeletons), Minaki (fairies), Horas (elementals), and Onarks (trolls).

Here, you'll ally yourself with the Starstrewn of Fulcrum as they guide you through quests and develop your understanding of this strange new world. In your travels, you'll collect followers to aid in your journey.

You'll work together to defeat threats to the safety of settlements throughout the far reaches of the Wildlands, such as marauding beasts, natural disasters, attacks by assassins, and even be pulled into disputes between warring factions.

You'll collect possessions, help build and rebuild, acquire resources, and learn a broad array of skills to aid your progression via Starstrewn points.

Exploration will take you into settlements, through the treetops, inside ruins, and deep under the earth, revealing more about the secret history of Astra Nova, the millennia-spanning conflict between the Accretion and the Weavers, & discovering the truth behind the Deviants.

By the end of the first season your exploration of the Wildlands will culminate in a confrontation with an Accretion warlord, Croesus the Dark Weaver.

Will you build an alliance to withstand the coming onslaught?

Will you discover what lies beyond the boundaries of the Wildlands?

Will you find a way to undo the damage that the Accretion has wrought upon your home worlds?

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